Hi 2015!

Saturday, January 03, 2015

I take full responsibility for completely disappearing since the end of November. As soon as I came back from Thanksgiving break it was GO TIME with tests, finals and last minute projects. Then December came and went! I got a chance to go to New York for my very first time and it was amazing. I'm so incredibly lucky to have an amazing friend who was generous enough to allow me to spend a week with her and roam the city. I will post some pictures down below of some of the things I did and saw!

Went to the famous The Strand Bookstore, unfortunately this is the only picture I took :(
Central Park during winter, looks a bit dead but still beautiful!

After years of watching Home Alone I had to go to The Plaza Hotel!
My favorite thing I did in NY: walking the breathtaking Brooklyn Bridge
The MET looks decently-sized on the outside but I spent hours walking its immense halls and passageways!
Anna Wintour's exhibition of the Costume Institute called Death Becomes Her
I had been wanting to see this before I went to NY and I got the chance when I got there, definitely recommend!
New York was incredible, see you next time xx
Creating this blog I told myself from the very beginning was for myself, it was having an outlet to write down my thoughts about everything I read. I love delving into different books and discussing what I see and read. I know that I haven't chronicled every single thing I've read this past year, but it's not supposed to be about feverishly typing out a paragraph and detailing every word I've read. This blog is supposed to be something enjoyable and fun that I like doing in my spare time. Some books I have more time and liberty to write about, others not so much. But if you ever come across me in person and want to spring up a conversation about something I've read, I'm more than willing to trust me! With all of that being said (rambling aside, oops) I want to keep the same pace and enthusiasm up on my blog for 2015. This hasn't stopped being fun for me and I hope to interact with other book-readers like myself out there!

This will also be my last semester in college, so I will officially be graduating in May. It's all kind of crazy to think about, especially looking back at how fast time passes by. Everyone tells me that your last semester goes by in the blink of an eye so I want to relish every single moment I have. So, even though I'm going to try and enjoy my friends and college for as much as I can, I also want to keep on reading more books while I'm not swamped with the "real world" and working full time. I want to broaden my reading spectrum out a bit more. This past year I read a lot of Young Adult because I hadn't had the chance with school in the past couple of years. I want to read more Classics...and graphic novels (yeah total genre change, I know). I'm not quite sure how that will go in terms of Classics because of all the other schoolwork I will have, but I'm going to really try! I think this might be more feasible for me in the summer, but either way it's going to happen. I'm also going to try and be more consistent with my videos on my BookTube channel because I completely went ghost on there as well. I find it a bit more difficult to film videos while I'm at school because I get home tired and worn out from the day, looking like a gremlin, and also have roommates who I don't want to intrude on. But I will also really try with this!

2015 is already going to bring about many changes. The major one being graduation. I hope to write and discuss on this more  in the upcoming months because I'm sure a lot of other people are going through the same thing I'm about to or have been there done that. EEK. So let's do this 2015, I'm coming for ya.

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