i hate neglecting my blog like this. so many weeks have gone by and all you see on here is
s i l e n c e
it's wrong, and i feel horrible about it.
so, what's been going on? well, i've been in a bit of a reading slump. i tried to read some of the books i have on my TBR pile that i mentioned before. the thing is that many of them are YA books, a genre that i have not been in the mood to read whatsoever.
i want to get back into reading classics and literary fiction (a broad genre, i know). i want to pick up more mature content, become lost in intricately written stories, delve into current events told from another perspective, and read more business/self-help books.
i sound like a true adult. but, believe me, i am definitely a child at heart. and i have gone through this stage before- back in high school. back then i had more free time to do anything and read everything. so, like any other typical high schooler, i would read economic books and classical literary material. the usual.
but when i left for university i lost some of that momentum because schoolwork at that level will suck the life out of you and let's face it, there are other things to do, people to see, events to go to.
when i started to realize i was forcing myself to read the books on my current TBR pile, i immediately stopped. i knew that wasn't the answer to my slump. instead, i've been slowly circling other potential books i've been meaning to read, feeling them out and scoping out their summaries to see if perhaps they will ignite my reading frenzy.
and even though i've sort of been putting down YA in this post, i will say that there has been 1 book i've read and finished this year- the first and only one in fact; it is Juliet Marillier's The Caller, the last book in the Shadowfell series.
it was amazing. i've been reading this series since 2014 and it took me a while to finish because i kept putting off buying the last book. when i saw it on BookOutlet i knew the time had come to finally conclude this beloved fantasy series. Marillier did a fantastic job of joining all the loose ends and neatly tying everything up.
if you have not read this series, heard about it or been in the mood for some fantasy: PICK THIS UP. you will not regret it (only until you became enamored and realize you will have to end the series sooner or later).
what do you do to get out of reading slumps? i would love some tips/suggestions!