book review

Attachments Review

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 

I don't know what it was about today, maybe it had something to do with the beautiful weather outside- a perfect crisp, and sunny way to start Fall- but I could not stop reading. And although I have a lab test tomorrow, something kept pulling at me to finish Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. I didn't think the Rainbow Rowell obsession was real. Sure, I loved Fangirl but I couldn't be exactly sure until I picked up another book by her. With my latest (and very rash) BookOutlet purchase I managed to pick up Attachments without much thought. Honestly, all I could register was RAINBOW ROWELL and CHEAP. So, it was an instant buy for me. I had heard of other book bloggers and Booktubers finishing Landline and not really loving it like other of Rowell's books, so there was a tiny voice in my head that said "Uh oh, what about if you were too quick to jump the gun not knowing if you were going to really like this...?" Boy, was I was wrong. Finishing Attachments made me remember what I felt when I finished Fangirl and that is a very good thing.

Attachments premise is very simple. You have Lincoln, a 29-year-old man who has been very shy and demure his entire life. His relationships have consisted of only one serious person, Sam, who caused a big impact in his life through his high school and early college years up until present-day. Lincoln graduates college and moves back home with his mother where he takes up a night job as the IT guy at a newspaper called The Courier. Not really knowing what the job entails when he first begins, Lincoln soon learns that his computer-savyness will be put to use in reading any and all emails that get passed through the newspaper's system in case of any "inappropriate" comments and flagging them. While Lincoln attends to his "job" he stumbles upon an exchange of email messages between two women, Beth and Jennifer, who write for the paper. Finding it hard to pry away from merely skimming over their dialogue, Lincoln becomes captivated by these ladies stories, and in particular- Beth.

book review

Half Bad Review

Sunday, September 21, 2014

School has started and has begun sucking away at everything, but I am serious about it not taking time away from reading. So, Friday when I finished Half Bad by Sally Green (and loved it) I was so enthusiastic about sharing my thoughts on here, but didn't have time till today! Alas, not only is school in full-gear but it's also football season; and although, football isn't my "thing," it is a big part of college life and what my friends do, needless to say every weekend is jam-packed. I know, what a struggle! But in reality, everyday just flies by next to the other with a list of things to do that either gets checked off or doesn't, and in that case I need to work twice as hard to make up for it. Enough of all this chit-chat though, and on to the book!

I feel as though a couple months ago there was a lot of hype surrounding Half Bad, I remember several Booktubers reviewing it and putting it on their TBR piles. And like usual, the more hype there is around things, the more I tend to veer away a bit so that I don't let all those outside opinions affect my feelings (also, because if I really end up loving a certain book, I don't have to wait in agony for the next one- smart I know). I'm so happy that that is what ended up happening with this book because I really did enjoy it so much! This book will be part of a trilogy, the Half Life trilogy, with the second expansion, Half Wild coming out March 2015. That means it's pretty close time wise for its release and I don't have to be waiting around for too long *does happy dance*

book review

The House on Mango Street Review

Friday, September 12, 2014

I feel like September is going by so quickly, we're already in the second week! Before we know it, October will be here, and so I have to make the most out of time and read ;) For my literature class this semester I had to pick up The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, and although I've read it before in the past I was excited to re-read it once more and really give my opinions and thoughts on it. I'm sure the majority of people have heard of this book or probably been required to read it during middle or high school; I know I read it once in middle school and then picked it up once more for a previous class a couple of semesters ago. Finishing it this time around, I can say that this very small book has become a classic in my bookshelf and something that I can just easily pick up when I'm feeling nostalgic or want to connect to flashbacks of a similar life that Esperanza went through. I have to say that I really enjoyed this book primarily because I can relate immsenly to the various stories presented.

Before I get ahead of myself, if you have no idea what this book is about then let me give a brief synopsis. The House on Mango Street is a compilation of numerous vignettes that follow a young girl named, Esperanza Cordero, of Mexican-American (Chicano) descent who moves into a house on Mango Street* with her entire family.  Her neighborhood is primarily inhabited by other Latino's whose descriptions are vibrant and full of life, but exude dark undertones that seem to linger in the background of their everyday lives. Esperanza's neighborhood is one that is described where old tenants are moving out with the influx of Hispanic families moving in and one where passerby's roll up their windows and lock their doors. Looking from the inside out, many assumptions are made in regards to the characters appearance and demeanor, primarily based off of their culture and language, but hearing Esperanza's narration of her neighbors and friends demonstrates to readers how much struggle and heartache these people go through to get by.

book review

Sweet Evil Review

Monday, September 01, 2014

So I know I said in my previous post I was going to continue reading the Losing It trilogy by Cora Carmack, and I did start by picking up the second book, Faking It, but I just couldn't. I'm not sure if the New Adult genre is for me. I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again as I turned the pages and it was extremely predictable. I just couldn't, so it was on to the next one. After that I was in a little bit of a reading slump so I decided I needed a paranormal, fluffy read and I managed to check out the eBook of Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins through my library's online service.

Now, I know a lot of people have given this book high ratings so I was a bit excited to start, but finishing it I kinda felt eh towards it. The main protagonist is Anna who is a half-angel/half-demon-something that is completely rare and has only happened one other time apparently. She's been raised by her adoptive mother, Patti, her entire life who loves her unconditionally. But as Anna goes through her childhood and adolescence she develops Niphilim qualities that include extensive eye vision, sensitive human touch and the ability to see people's "aura" indicating what they're feeling at the moment. She meets Kaidan, a Niphilim, whose father is the Demon of Lust. These Niphilim children have to essentially "work" for their fathers, each who control a different sin, by persuading humans to stray away from taking good decisions. Anna is different though and an all around "good-girl," delving deeper into her past and ancestry gives her more questions than answers as she might prove to have a bigger purpose than thought.

*WARNING: Spoilers ahead, if you have not read the book do not read on!


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